Arts & Life

Six books written by women for Women’s History Month

The CSULB library 3rd floor, has books about women in politics, feminism, overall gender issues and empowerment. Photo credit: Cynthia Mazariegos

Historically, male writers have dominated the literature world. However, in recent years, more female writers are being published. Here is a list of six books that can be fun, inspirational, relatable and informative for women from all walks of life.

-Flatiron Books (March 22, 2022)

"You Sound Like A White Girl", is a book that can help Latino women to stop accepting the idea of assimilating to the American ideals and instead be who they are-culturally and personally.

You Sound Like a White Girl: The Case for Rejecting Assimilation” describes itself as a dual polemic and manifesto.

Nationally recognized Mexican author Julissa Arce is also a speaker and social justice advocate whose work aims to empower young people.

Her book addresses and dismisses the idea that assimilating results in belonging. Arce offers the reader a new idea of belonging, stating that it is “only achieved through celebrating yourself, history, your culture and all that makes you unique.”

She encourages people to turn away from the “white gaze” to create a beautiful America. According to Arce, the concept of a beautiful America is celebrating differences, accepting and sharing heritage and a place where all people belong.

-Dutton Books for Young Readers (January 10, 2023)

"The Girl I Am, Was, and Never Will Be", is a book for people who hope to read relatable stories about the experience of being a mixed-Black transracial person. About the experience of adoption for transracial people, as well as, for those who like to read about characters searching for their true self.

The Girl I Am, Was, and Never Will Be: A Speculative Memoir of Transracial Adoption” is part memoir and speculative fiction, with the main focus being the experience of growing up as a mixed-Black transracial adoptee.

Author Shannon Gibney experienced growing up as an adopted Black daughter of white parents. ​​In her work, she talks about transracial adoption and the crossing of race, gender, identity and family.

The novel tells the story of two girls in different timelines who are able to connect through a portal and by their search for their origins. Gibney uses materials of her adoption in the novel, such as photos, records and interviews.

-One World; Illustrated edition (January 12, 2021)

"Dog Flowers", is a book, especially for those who want to support and read Native American works. The book takes you on the author's journey to discover her past, culture, and more about herself.

Dog Flowers” is a memoir that uses images and text to examine mothering, siblings, caretaking and colonized bodies. It is also about loss, inheritance, beauty and balance.

Author Danielle Geller is a member of the Navajo Nation and has written several personal essays.

When Geller’s mother dies of alcohol withdrawal, Geller returns to Florida and finds a suitcase with her mother’s belongings. The suitcase has clothes, diaries, letters and more.

Geller uses the items she found to understand her mother’s relationship to home and their need to leave it. In her search, Geller faces her family’s history and the decisions she was forced to make growing up.

-Little, Brown and Company (March 15, 2022)

"Peach Blossom" is a book that highlights the process of immigration for many Asian families in the U.S. While also highlighting the changes and aftermaths of being part of a family that immigrates and leaves culture, history, and many other things behind.

Peach Blossom Spring” is a novel about war, migration and three generations of a Chinese family searching for home.

Author Melissa Fu has worked as a teacher, curriculum developer and consultant. Fu’s work has appeared in publications such as The Lonely Crowd, International Literature Showcase and The Willowherb Review.

The story takes place in 1938 during Japan’s invasion of China. A young mother, Meilin flees her burning city with her four-year-old son, Renshu. They find comfort in a “beautifully illustrated scroll.” with ancient fables that give them comfort and wisdom while they seek refuge.

Over time, Renshu settles in America, and his new name is Henry Dao. His daughter wants to understand her heritage, but he doesn’t want to talk about his past. Renshu struggles to keep his family safe in a new place while he carries the weight of his history.

-Atria Books (September 11, 2018)

"Rage Becomes Her" is a book that could empower women and the way certain issues in society make them feel. It helps them understand that their rage is often justified and that they can use it for their advantage.

Rage Becomes Her” aims to give a voice to the causes and expressions on female rage.

Author Soraya Chemaly is an activist who talks about gender norms, social justice, free speech and sexualized violence.

In her book, Chemaly expresses the belief that for women, anger is justified and how it could be used as a tool for solutions. She talks about the way women always have to resist their rage or face consequences for expressing themselves.

Chemaly points out that many achievements have been made because women used anger to make a change. She states that women face “societal and cultural belittlement” of their anger because their power is controlled in that way, and she urges women to stop complying with the belittlement of their anger.

-Orbit (August 29, 2023)

"The Phoenix King" is a fantasy story with a strong female warrior. The story keeps away from the idea that only men are written as warriors. Additionally, it is especially an interesting book for women with a Desi Background.

The Phoenix King” is the first of a trilogy, and it is a fantasy story that takes place in a kingdom there is magic, romance, action and secrets. Three characters, an assassin, a princess and a king are faced with having to make choices and face a prophecy that they are not ready to confront. Apart from their main issue, each character has personal issues to endure.

Author Aparna Verma was born in India. As an immigrant in the U.S., she writes fantasy that focuses on men and women who struggle with their identity. She often uses themes such as love, violence, exploration and sacrifice.

Verma took inspiration for her book from Hindu epics, especially from stories of the goddess Kali Ma. She believes that even though the character is portrayed as vengeful, there is more to the character. She reflects her inspiration through her female characters.

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