Arts & LifeEvents

ASI Day at Disney provides stress free getaway for students

A Long Beach student spins a prize wheel for a chance to win ASI or Long Beach swag.

Tea cups, dole whip and walking around half-soaked from Splash Mountain — almost 1,000 Cal State Long Beach students had the opportunity to experience all the fun of Disneyland right before jumping into finals season.

Associated Students Inc. announced last Saturday that it would host the first-ever ASI Day at Disney and would selling $10 tickets to replace the annual “Big Event” that usually hosts a prominent music artist at the Walter Pyramid.

Despite some backlash the organization received for only having 1,000 tickets available for a campus that enrolls almost 40,000 students, those who were able to go were pleased.

A VIP lounge was available for students to visit in Tomorrowland Starcade, where ASI gave out free swag, ice cream and beverages. Attendees also had the chance to spin a prize wheel to win clothing and accessories, then travel to the other side of the room and take advantage of the Long Beach-Disney crossover photo booth.

Second year biochemistry major, Daniel Nguyen, got to the park at 8 a.m. with a large group of friends to take full advantage of the Disney deal.

“We’ve been on all the rides already so it’s been pretty awesome,” Nguyen said. “This was really cool in my opinion, I would definitely come back next year if [ASI] did it again.”  

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