Arts & LifeFine & Performing Arts

In Photos: School of Art galleries

The painting of a woman and her transparent lover hangs in BFS studio art major Asia Roberge's gallery "Lifting the Viel."

This week’s School of Art galleries, adjacent from the Fine Arts buildings features ideas of changing throughout one’s life and challenging the patriarchal images regularly presented of women.

Luis Casas, BFA ceramics major made his oddly shaped sculptures which he called “blobs” to show how people may adapt to the changes in their life and its many obstacles.

“They’re representative of forms and what we go through as humans from the beginning to the end and how as we’re progressing through our life and how we receive different cuts and different obstacles,” Casas said. “The different sculptures represent those obstacles.”

In the gallery next door, BFA studio art major Asia Roberge donned the white walls with dreamy images of women, painted in their many shapes and sizes, both fully clothed and nude.

“I draw a lot of inspiration from personal struggles with femininity in our 21st century patriarchal culture,” Roberge said. “I like to use traditional poses and forms but with a little twist that kind of allows me to explore some of these deeper issues.”

The School of Art galleries will be available for viewing through March 22 before a new wave of work from different students hits the walls.

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