Arts & Life

“Guardians” of Fun

Gamora (Zoe Saldana), left, Rocket Racoon (voiced by Bradley Cooper), Peter Quill/Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel) and Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista) in a scene from the motion picture "Guardians of the Galaxy."

It is safe to say that comic books and superheroes are no longer a geeky cult pastime because these days anyone can enjoy nerd culture.

Marvel may have been banking on this phenomenon to support its latest release “Guardians of the Galaxy,” which features less well-known heroes, and their risky approach is extremely entertaining.

Some of the franchises that the Marvel universe has explored on film are quite iconic. We have seen the likes of “X-Men,” “The Avengers,” “Thor,” “Iron Man,” “The Hulk” and “Spider-Man”, but “Guardians of the Galaxy” ventures to unknown territory for the geeky novice.

By no means is this a series that people recognize, which is why it was a big risk for Marvel, but after watching the film many people most will definitely be fans.

The film features a group of unlikely heroes that work incredibly well. The characters are quirky and silly, but still relatable and grounded despite the fact that they are out of this world.

Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) steals a powerful orb that is capable of destroying entire worlds. He first comes to find the orb for some quick cash, but he soon finds himself on the run and seeks to protect it when he finds out about its powers.

Along the way some of his foes become his friends, and together they unite to protect the galaxy from evils who wish to attain the orb.

Star-Lord’s gang is established after an impromptu prison break.

Gamora (Zoe Saldana) is an assassin trained as a weapon for the villains in the film, but she seeks a change of heart. Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista) is a muscle head without remorse seeking revenge for lost family members.

Rocket (Bradley Cooper) is a smartass, genetically altered raccoon and bounty hunter whose best friend is a tree-like creature named Groot (Vin Diesel). It should be noted that the strangers have nothing in common, yet overtime their friendship grows strong and they are able to transcend their vast differences.

Some of the best moments of the film aren’t the spectacular visual effects that offer views into creative worlds or action sequences when the friends are in turmoil, but the small comedic moments dispersed throughout.

The moments are often unexpected and charming, a lot like real life. It is actually nice to see these moments in a film that is as far away from reality as possible.

The soundtrack to the film is superb and is often juxtaposed with images that are far more extraordinary than the familiar tunes used. Something about this odd pairing makes you appreciate the music used so much more.

Pairings of celestial worlds and surprising music like“Escape (The Pina Colada Song)” by Rupert Holmes or “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Marin Gaye and Tammi Terrell are a great combo.

The music is nostalgic; however, the tunes are not one-dimensional as they play an important role in the film.

It’s rewarding to see the attention to detail in something as simple as music, not only provide a film with the right groove, but also progress a story with a lot of heart.

Many of the adults in the audience were probably pleased more than the kids for the soundtrack but also the pop culture references dropped from the ‘80s.

Newly earned fans should be excited to hear that a sequel is already being planned for July 28, 2017. One can only hope for as much comedy, action and fresh creativity as this release.

There is really a lot to love about Marvel’s latest release that just about
anyone can enjoy, from those who will understand the somewhat obscure
reference post credits to those who are just hopping along for the fun ride.

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