
Letter to the Editor – Conservatives should shift focus

Conservatives should make withdrawing our military from Iraq a top priority.

Staying in Iraq and financing our world empire will bring about dire consequences at home. It is hurting our national defense, will cost the country, including taxpayers, a fortune, and is killing our dollar.

After seeing what happened in 2006, it is difficult to see a pro-Iraq war candidate getting elected as president. The Iraq war issue will destroy the chances of the pro-war Republican candidates’ chances of winning. Most of the current 2008 GOP presidential candidates, except Ron Paul, who has been against going into Iraq from the beginning, have missed the memo.

Conservatives, and the rest of America, will face the consequences of enormous tax hikes that are being proposed by the Democratic Party to pay off the war and to implement the bigger welfare policies being proposed.

Endless borrowing, and out-of-control spending for the “War on Terror” by the federal government, contributes largely to the slow death of the U.S. dollar and to a collapse of our economy. The government is spending well beyond its means.

So far, the federal government has borrowed more than $600 billion and could cost us trillions more into the next decade, perhaps as much as $2.4 trillion as interest accumulates, according to a Congressional report. Closing military bases at home and building more in Iraq does not help our defense.

We should bring our troops home and save billions of dollars by halting the construction of military bases abroad. Nations die when they try to expand beyond their means. What happened to conservatives demanding responsible government spending and smaller government?

The Iraq war was the wrong diagnosis. Too many have died; too much treasure has been spent. It needs to end now.

– Clif Bachmeier,sophomore economics major

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