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Women’s golf looks to close out historic season strong

Long Beach State women's golf player Janae Leovao finished tied 37th overall and placed second highest on the team only behind her twin sister Jasmine. Photo credit: LBSU Athletics

The Long Beach State women’s golf team has placed first in two tri-dual matches, giving head coach Alyssa Waite high hopes for the remainder of the 2023-2024 season.

Entering her third season as head coach, Waite has built a culture of support for her golf team at LBSU.

Waite’s foundation for her team at Long Beach has been focused on turning a group of individuals into a team that feels supported without judgment.

“Having the right community [that] allows us to be successful because you’re happier, you know your teammates are supporting you, people aren’t judging you,” she said.

The LBSU women’s golf coach said that creating a culture is important for the team.

“Especially with females, we run into the judgment and concern of what other people think,” Waite said. “Being able to create a culture where there is constant support from everyone is extremely important.”

At the start of last fall, she was unsure of how the team would perform with new additions; not knowing how the team would mend and support each other. Waite noticed the foundation she set working in New Mexico last fall.

During the team’s success at the tournament, the chemistry improved and the players began transforming. The team became more process-oriented as the players began to put the lessons learned during practice into action.

Freshman Andee Avery and sophomore Janae Leovao have greatly contributed to the team’s success over the past four matches. Leovao individually has placed within the top three in each match.

LBSU has been able to set themselves apart from the competition by being efficient around the green, Avery said, which is where most teams lose the most shots.

Focusing on their wedges (shorter, more accurate shots) has helped the team bring their overall scores down. According to Leovao, the team’s mental coach, Kevin Sverduk, has also helped with bettering the team’s game.

“It’s really exciting for us to have four in a row, but for us, it’s how do we continue to keep moving forward,” Waite said. “Realistically they are now in the past, let’s celebrate them but let’s keep moving on because we have bigger and better things we want to accomplish.”

Waite said it’s important for her team to focus on each tournament before looking at their long-term season goals. The women’s golf team has four tournaments remaining in their spring schedule until potential postseason play.

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