
Our View: Classroom renovations should be considered over USU

It seems as though, with the installation of the Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Cal State Long Beach is making its way up the ladder in terms of having complete resources for its students. However, although the SRWC is nothing to complain about, CSULB might want to spend a little more time thinking about improving classroom resources before tending to anything else.


This past Monday, Associated Students Inc. sent out a web-based survey, questioning students about their satisfaction with the University Student Union. The survey asks questions pertaining to the USU’s lounge areas, bowling alley and restaurant spots. Although our USU may not be up to each student’s standards, there are other university amenities that need improvement, and that matter more.


To be more specific, CSULB students are often very critical of the classrooms we have on campus. It’s more crucial for students to have adequate classroom resources to better their educational experience.


Also on Monday, the Daily 49er released an article regarding the lack of left-handed desks in classrooms. According to the article, about 3,341 of the students at CSULB are left-handed, meaning they face the everyday challenge of finding a left-handed desk to sit in in class.


Director of physical and construction management for CSULB, Sue Brown, stated she ordered 754 new desks to replace old or broken ones in the Liberal Arts 5 and Liberal Arts 1 buildings. However, only eight percent of these desks — or about 60 chairs — were designed for left-handed students.


And while we’re on the subject, it’s obvious that the Liberal Arts buildings are in need of the most renovation, among others. Recently, a geologist stated that CSULB is “relatively safe” from earthquakes; however, the LA buildings are some the most dangerous buildings to be in at CSULB if an earthquake were to hit.


On top of that, a student’s success in a class depends somewhat on the condition of the classroom. The desks in some of the classrooms we have now cannot seat a student over six feet comfortably, which could constantly disrupt their attention in class. Also, students over a given weight face the same problem, also making it hard to concentrate on lectures.


Some classrooms even have overheads that teachers used back in the 90s, and some of the overheads don’t even work. One classroom in the LA buildings even had a TV compete with a — wait for it — VHS player. Couldn’t the quality of our education be improved if DVD players were provided for each classroom? Along with working overheads?


It may not seem like a drastic problem, but it is an issue that should be considered over others. The USU and the SRWC are fine for now. The food is satisfactory, and we can all surely work with the lounge areas. When compared to some of our classrooms, however, students should be marking “very satisfied” on ASI’s USU survey.


Improved amenities inside the USU might keep students on campus, but improved amenities in classrooms will keep students in class. Which one is more important?

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