
ASI senate continues work in support of a preferred-name policy

After a second reading, the Associated Students Inc. Senate approved a bylaw amendment on Wednesday to become more inclusive in cabinet titles.

The amendment introduced last week proposes that the titles of the Secretary of Women’s Affairs and Secretary for LGBTIQ Affairs to become Secretary of Women’s and Gender Equity Affairs and Secretary for LGBTIQ+ Affairs.

“We are opening up the gender spectrum,” Chief of Staff Jennifer “Jay” Jenkins said.

The amendment states that ASI created its cabinet “in order to represent underrepresented populations like LGBTIQ Affairs and Women’s Affairs.”

Jenkins added, “LGBTIQ is actually not a representation of the whole spectrum, so we are adding a plus to the end.”

ASI is also following the lead of the Women’s Resource Center, which recently changed its title to Women’s Gender and Equity Center in order to become more inclusive.

ASI introduced the “Think About It” campaign in fall 2014 to challenge students to refrain from using exclusive and discriminatory language toward others. The resolution passed in order to continue inclusivity on campus.

“The LGBTIQ+ incorporates everyone, and it is good to include different people,” Heather Tong, senior human development, said. “It is good to be more inclusive because there is a wide range of identity that community has.

“If that is something that is needed to fully represent [the LGBTIQ+] organization, then absolutely,” Smeeta Maharaj, a junior business major said.

The ASI senate continued its work Wednesday on a resolution in support of a preferred-name policy for transgender students.

CSULB only offers the legal name of a student to be indicated on class rosters, Beach Board and ID cards.

“This resolution will be available for all students so any student can be able to change their name,” ASI Sen. James Allen said. “It wouldn’t be just for transgender students.”

According to the resolution, The Office of Equity and Diversity is developing a system that would “ensure that transgender students’ preferred first name will show up on class rosters, BeachBoard and ID cards.”

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