To call Gravity a movie would not do it justice. Gravity is an experience. Written and directed by Alfonso Cuarón and starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, Gravity thrusts its viewers into an intense thrill ride that will leave you chewing on your nails and holding your breath.
The story itself is very simple. Dr. Ryan Stone (Bullock) and Matt Kowalski (Clooney) are on a mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope. Stone is on her first space exploration while the veteran Kowalski is on his last. They receive a warning from Mission Control that debris is heading their way and must abort the mission. When they are hit, it becomes a fight for survival and a long journey back home.
While the story and plot are things to rave about, the real achievement was how this movie was made. Almost the entire film is made through CGI, but it is used so effectively that you forget that what you are looking at is fake and become immersed in the environment. The effect is then increased when viewed in 3D. With the ongoing debate between the use of film and digital technology, Gravity provides a new argument and shows that 3D is not just a gimmick and when used effectively can make a film better.
The film’s visuals are coupled with a powerhouse performance from Bullock and is polished with Clooney’s charm. Bullock leaves everything on the screen representing a human’s need to survive, while fighting a haunted past. She channels her emotions so well that the audience feels every spin, hit, and grasp. Expect Bullock to be nominated come award season and don’t be surprised to see her holding her second Oscar.
Bullock will not be alone. Cuarón will be getting well-deserved praise and awards for creating the best space film perhaps of all-time. Cuarón’s first movie in nearly seven years impresses, stuns, and innovates all in a scant 90 minutes.
If you are looking for change from strictly watching a movie, go and see Gravity (and make sure it is in 3D) to get a moving experience that will stick with you for years to come.