
Spectacle: “Breaking Bad” Series Finale Recap

Walter White (Bryan Cranston) Breaking Bad: Season 5, Episode 16

SPOILER ALERT: If you have not watched the series finale of Breaking Bad, do not continue reading!

It’s been five long years and sixty-one episodes but Breaking Bad has finally come to an end. The series finale entitled “Felina” (an anagram for finale) premiered Sunday night and provided viewers with a powerful and satisfying ending to its saga.

The episode starts with Walter, who is now on the run from police after giving up his alternative life, getting into a snow covered car and attempting to improvise a way to start it. With police lights behind him, Walter prays to get away if only for a small moment to make things right. Eventually the lights subside and Walter’s prayers are answered in the form of keys falling from the cars visor.

We then cut to Walter in a warmer climate pumping gas into his newly stolen car, millions of dollars in tow. He uses a payphone and poses as a New York Times reporter to get the address of his former colleagues, Elliot and Gretchen Schwartz.

Elliot and Gretchen are coming home at night and enter their house with Walter following behind them. Walter has the frightened couple help him bring his money into the house and tells them they are going to use it to create a trust for his children in their name. Walter emphasizes that they will only use his money and not theirs. Elliot agrees merely to appease his old partner, and on Walter’s signal, two red laser dots show up on Elliot and Gretchen’s chest. Walter claims he hired two assassins that will make sure they do what he says.

As Walt is leaving he picks up his two assassins who turn out to be Badger and Skinny Pete merely using laser-pointing pens. Walter asks about the blue meth still out there and they assume it was still him. Walter realizes Jesse is still cooking.

We are then treated to a dream sequence of Jesse making a wooden box very carefully and preciously cradling it in his arms lovingly, a scene harkening back to the season three episode “Kafkaesque”. His dream is abruptly ended Jesse moving his chains along in Uncle Jack’s lab.

Walter is then shown collecting the ricin and machine gun he obtained in previous episodes.

Lydia and Todd are having a meeting and Walter is lurking in the background knowing that this is where Lydia had her previous meetings with Walter. He goes up to them and claims that he spent all of his money and is willing to sell them a new way to cook meth for $1 million. Lydia agrees and after Walt leaves tells Todd to get rid of him as she puts her Stevia into her tea.

Skylar is home alone and receives a call from Marie saying that Walter is back in town and that she should be careful. Skylar acknowledges this and as she hangs up we see that Walter is already standing in the kitchen. He gives her the GPS coordinates of where Hank is buried and tells her to use that to save her from the feds. Walter then tells Skylar that the reason he did all this was for himself, and that he liked it and felt alive. He sees his daughter, Holly, one more time and sees Walter Jr. come home from a distance.

Walter shows up to Uncle Jack’s compound. He parks his car with trunk facing the clubhouse and is then searched having his wallet and keys taken from him. Walter meets Jack and after Jack tells his men to take Walt out back and kill him, Walter asks why Jesse is still alive and partnered with him. Jack becomes furious and has Jesse brought in. Walter quietly grabs his keys and sees Jesse chained up and miserable. He then runs straight at him and tackles him pressing the car alarm button on his keys. We see the trunk of his car open and the machine gun on an automatic swivel that takes out everyone except Jack, Todd , Walter, and Jesse. When Todd gets up to see what happens, Jesse strangles him with his chains. Walter goes to a wounded Jack and points a gun at him. Jack stops him tells him he can have his money. Walter shoots him in the head. He then gives the gun to Jesse and tells him to finish him. Jesse sees that Walter has been wounded and tell him to do it himself.

Todd’s phone rings and it’s Lydia who appears ill. Walt tells her everyone’s dead and that he poisoned her with ricin in her Stevia packet.

Jesse and Walt share one more moment of silence before Jesse nods and leaves now a free man.

Walt goes to the lab and takes a look at the equipment one more time. With police sirens approaching, Walts fall to the floor dead in the one place that made him feel so alive.

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