
Doiron’s simplistic arrangements make great eighth album

Julie takes some time to sit down.

A quiet guitar strumming over the hum of light rainfall and birdsong accompany Julie Doiron’s hopeful, happy lyrics on the opening track of her latest release, “I Can Wonder What You Did With Your Day.” Unlike her previous albums, a smiley and hopeful mood permeates this record, even the more serious and darker songs.

Doiron is known for writing what she feels – directly and honestly – and it comes through on this album. “I guess it’s because I’m happy, pretty much … maybe … finally,” Dorion states on her website, juliedoiron.com. Song titles such as “Nice To Come Home” and “The Life Of Dreams” set the tone for the record. Considering the generally positive atmosphere, the use of contrast within the record is almost surprising. She alternates short acoustic sets and slightly more intricate, serious songs and yet still manages to maintain infectiously positive emotions.

“Spill Yer Lungs” is four minutes and 29 seconds of a heavy, almost angry-sounding bass, layered with electric guitar and rhythmic drumming. Doiron’s sweet, almost tinny, vocals are pleasant in the place of the screaming that one would normally expect would accompany such music.

Even with the dark mood of the music and lyrics, the sound of Doiron’s voice makes it seem like there’s a lesson to be pulled from this darkness, an exciting revelation about oneself that is that much closer to being exposed.

“Glad To Be Alive” is just the opposite of “Spill Yer Lungs,” as everything about this song is happy in every sense of the word. Featuring the same quality vocals over quick, melodic notes and scales on her guitar, you can’t help but feel her excitement about life, that even though there is a lot of bad in this world, there is an equal amount of good there that you can be happy about.

“Tailor” is built with a basic drum beat and smooth guitar, joined by a marching snare and the electric guitar. As my favorite track on the album, the song embodies a classic theme. “If I were a tailor, I could make you a tie,” she captures the theme of experiencing such an overwhelming love that you would take any skill you had to do something for this person you love.

On top of its positivity, the beauty of this record lies in its simplicity: simple musical arrangements, simple emotions, simple artwork, even the liner notes are simple. Four of the tracks feature only Doiron’s voice (which sounds similar to Fiest’s and Regina Spektor’s) and her guitar.

The remaining songs don’t include much more than guitar, drums, bass and the occasional slide or keys. “I Can Wonder What You Did With Your Day” is a great listen from start to finish, touching on a range of emotions but still leaving you hopeful for tomorrow and the next record you listen to.

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