Each Halloween, more and more young women are wearing less and less clothing to pass as their costumes.
“The sexier women’s costumes sell very well, but they’re definitely not our biggest sellers,” said Nicole Keith, a sales associate at Party City in Long Beach. “The character costumes, such as characters from movies, sell much more.”
This Halloween, I attended a few parties and events where the majority of young women were wearing very revealing costumes. I personally don’t find it to be inappropriate unless you are under the age of 18 or have things showing that shouldn’t be. What’s sad is that many girls take advantage of Halloween by using it as a “hall-pass” to dress like a prostitute.
“It’s the one day of the year that you can dress up like a slut and not be judged by anyone,” said Josie Gangeno, a party-goer from Los Angeles. “It’s Halloween, people need to lighten up.”
If someone wouldn’t dress like that on a normal day, then how are they comfortable showing the goods on Halloween? Some may think it is a way of releasing insecurities or a means of getting attention from men. Does society pressure young women so much that we feel we can only physically express our sexuality only on one day of the year?
Regardless, of the causes for young women dressing sexier on Halloween, they are many women who find it appalling and prefer to wear more conservative costumes. However, with the growing demand for sexy costumes, many Halloween stores are carrying less of the moderate women’s costumes and more of the sexier costumes.
“Surprisingly, a lot of women don’t like them,” said Keith. Each year we get more stock of the sexy costumes and less of the more moderate women’s costumes, which gives less options for the women shoppers — they’re kind of forced into buying a sexier costume due to our supply.”
Many don’t see a problem with older women donning sexy costumes, but others question the appropriateness of younger girls sporting this kind of image.
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with women wearing sexy costumes on Halloween,” said Rachelle Wiegand, a senior in fashion merchandising at CSULB. “It’s when you see 13-year-olds trick-or-treating in belly shirts and super short skirts, that you start to question if it’s appropriate or not.”
According to Keith, most of the people who purchase these kinds of costumes are girls in their 20s and late teens, but there are a few pre-teens who purchase the sexy costumes.
It seems that many young women are either comfortable wearing sexy costumes and are comfortable with other women wearing them as well. But as with the decreasing supply of the more conservative costumes, there’s a definite possibility that younger girls will be wearing these sexy costumes.