
Lady 49ers return home

By Jessie SimsDaily Forty-NinerStaff Writer

A well-needed home stretch, a team yearning for a change in pace and A coach who believes it can happen. This is what the 49ers women’s basketball team face in the next seven games. After starting off a little rocky on the road with a 1-5 record, the 49ers are returning back to where they are most comfortable playing: The Walter Pyramid.

“Being home helps us continue to improve and prepare for our conference games starting in January,” said head coach Mary Hegarty.

The 49ers jump-start their 7-game home stretch with the game against Fresno State on Friday night at 7:00 p.m. Although being at home holds a slight advantage, the 49ers still have a lot of work to do in order to pull off a win, according to Hegarty.

“Fresno State is very athletic and fast,” Hegarty said. “This game is going to test us in our defense. We want to retain penetration and finish with rebounding against Fresno.”

There is a lot that goes into preparing for a game like the one against the Bulldogs. The 49ers walk through the opponent’s offensive tendencies and then reviews their own offensive system. Then they have dinner together, which usually consists of pasta, chicken, salad and some bread, according to Hegarty.

“It is very important to eat healthy while in season.”

Last year, the 49ers did not play against the Bulldogs, however, Hegarty knows what her team needs to focus on improving: defense. In the beginning of the season, the defensive tactic that was incorporated was zone defense; but now, Hegarty wants to work on man-on-man.

“We want to change the defense up so the opponent will get thrown off rhythm,” Hegarty said. There are a few players who are improving and getting feel of the rhythm. Freshman guard LaTorya Barbee is one of those players.

“She is learning fast how she can be effective,” Hegarty said.

The beginning of the season started off rough, partly due to the array of injuries the 49ers faced. Senior point guard Tyresha Calhoun was out for the first few games with a stress fracture. Junior guard Karina Figueroa has also been dealing with a problem in her foot.

“Calhoun is getting her rhythm back and Figueroa is getting back into shape,” Hegarty said. “Both girls are beginning to look like they did last year.”

Hegarty encourages fans to come out to The Pyramid during the upcoming home stretch. Hegarty said the energy of having a large fan base can be a huge advantage for the 49ers while they are playing at the Walter Pyramid.

“Fan support can be very instrumental,” Hegarty said. “We want our home court to be known to our opponents as tough one to play in because of the loud crowd. Fans can pull us through the hard times.”

The 49ers have a tough schedule at home, but with much practice and a good fan base, Hegarty is hoping that her team will end their losing streak and begin a winning one.

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