
It’s in the can: Week for the Greeks begins

For Charity - Members of the several Greek organizations build castles to be judged in an effort to raise money with all proceeds going to charity.

Members of the campus Greek system were outside the College of Business Administration Building Tuesday building can castles that will be judged and sent to a community resource center for charity.

“[This is the] first competition of the week; all the money we raise in the week goes to charity,” said Brooke Estanislau, a liberal studies major and vice president of philanthropy and community service for the Panhellenic Council.

There are 21 chapters that are participating in Greek Week, and three of the chapters were formed into seven groups for the event. These groups each built different castles, each one different from the next.

“We judge and take them to the Community Resource Center that need food,” said Brett Benson, director of activity for Interfraternity Council.

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