Special Projects

Letter from the Editor

At the Daily Forty-Niner, more than half of the staff members identify as female. Photo credit: Luke Wines

In March 1987, a petition by the National Women’s History Project pushed Congress to pass Pub. L. 100-9, which designated the month of March as “Women’s History Month.” Now, we celebrate Women’s History Month every year during March in honor of the women from the past and the present that have changed the world.

In this issue of the Daily Forty-Niner, our stories highlight impactful women within our community and throughout history, as well as their many accomplishments and struggles.

This issue aims to educate the community of Long Beach while promoting female empowerment and women’s rights. The articles in this issue range from informative pieces about the wage gap in the United States to the attendance disparity at LBSU athletics games to female student and professor profiles.

Women’s History Month is a perfect opportunity to educate yourselves about the female experience and the obstacles faced by women everyday, but it is also an opportunity to highlight the impactful women in your life.

This Women’s History Month, I’m honoring my mom, my sister and my best friend for their endless strength, support and open hearts. Even though I’m not able to see these wonderful women everyday, I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by strong women all day and all night, at work and at home. I’m so grateful for the many women in my life that push me, encourage me and inspire me constantly.

I encourage you all to reach out and thank the impactful women in your life this month and every month after, they deserve recognition for their love and devotion. It is my hope that this month, you are inspired to support female-owned businesses in our community and that you work to educate yourselves, as well as others, about women’s rights.

On that note, please enjoy the Women’s issue of the Daily Forty-Niner! For daily news content, visit our website, subscribe to our newsletter, or follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @daily49er.

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