Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor-Solution to economy within our grasp

I have a few ideas that might help save the American taxpayers some money in this economic recession.

1. Bring home U.S. military personnel from the military bases worldwide — not from Afghanistan. Why do we have 500,000 military personnel on 700 bases stationed worldwide to begin with? Hasn’t the U.S. got an “exit strategy” anywhere? We have 50,000 troops in Germany, 30,000 in Japan and 37 bases in Europe. WHY? The Cold War is over.

2. Considering the “War on Drugs” is being lost, why are we paying billions a year to put more and more people into prison for simple drug possession at the American taxpayer’s expense? Again, this policy needs to be totally re-analyzed and changed. Why so many deaths in Mexico’s drug cartels? It’s over the drug business primarily coming to the U.S., which is the most drug using country on the planet. Want to put these murderers out of business? Legalize — stop criminalizing.

3. Term limits for Congress. The problem and cost is that these politicians begin campaigning for reelection two years into their terms. All they think about is getting reelected, instead of doing the job they were elected for. Political representation was never meant to be a “Career.” You served your term and then went home to your regular life. Not our politicians; they want that job for life! Good pay, great benefits — who wouldn’t? But, are the voters’ needs really represented by someone who is always concerned about continuing life in the “standard to which they’ve become accustomed.”

Cynthia Schultheis,
Cal State Long Beach — where we have to take two unpaid days a month off due to our crumbling Calif. budget, all thanks to the “Governator.”


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