OpinionsSpecial Projects

Back to School Survival Guide

Students return to campus and prepare for the year by visiting the University Bookstore. Photo credit: Vincent Medina

As the summertime comes to a close and school goes back in session, the anxiety that most students feel about the new semester can start to feel overwhelming and sometimes even scary. But have no fear! With these five tips, going back to campus will feel easier than ever!

Tip #1: Manage Your Time

Time management is key when it comes to being successful over the course of the school year. Being conscious of upcoming deadlines and prioritizing specific tasks can save you tons of stress and gives you a chance to actually have enough time to do everything that you need to do. One of my favorite ways to manage my time is by using a daily planner. Inside it, I write down all of my important deadlines, commitments and assignments. As easy as it can be to procrastinate, if you have something like a planner to set yourself a schedule and stay on top of your work, you will find it is much easier to focus and be more productive.

Tip #2: Get Involved

Going into a new school year can be scary for everyone, but don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone! With most classes being back on campus this upcoming semester, there are plenty of opportunities to reach out to others and make connections. Long Beach State has many clubs, teams, and other extracurricular programs on campus that are fun and help you meet new people. A great way to familiarize yourself with these organizations is by checking out ASI’s Week of Welcome, which will take place this year on August 30 and 31 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Central Quad.

Long Beach State students gather supplies for the first day of classes.

Long Beach State students gather supplies for the first day of classes. Photo credit: Vincent Medina

Tip #3: Give Yourself Breaks

Mental health is important. I know that school can sometimes be hard and that your workload may seem demanding, but you can’t be successful if you don’t put yourself first. Make sure that you take time for yourself and allow yourself to do other things besides just schoolwork. Find something that can help you relieve your stress and ease your mind, whether that’s spending time with friends, reading, or simply watching your favorite TV show. Make sure you work in time to do the things that make you happy. Along with mental health, maintaining your physical health is important. Try your best to prioritize getting a good night’s sleep, staying hydrated, eating balanced meals and exercising.

Tip #4: Strive for Academic Success

If you go into the new school year motivated and ready to work, you are guaranteed to thrive. As tough as it could be, really try to make it a point for yourself to stay on top of your schoolwork and deadlines over the course of each semester. Be responsible when it comes to your studies; go to your classes, take good notes, communicate with your professors and do your homework. If you stay disciplined and persistent when it comes to your classes, success should come easily. Keep up a good work ethic and always aim to do your best!

Tip #5: Know Your Resources

It’s okay to ask for help! If you find yourself struggling in any way, don’t be afraid to utilize the resources that CSULB has to offer both on and off campus. Some examples of these resources include: accessibility support through the Bob Murphy Access Center, psychological support from CAPS, and basic needs support through CalFresh and Beach Pantry. There are plenty of resources for every student. For more information about what exactly is available to you, check out Campus Resources and University & College Student Resources on the school website.

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