
CSULB clubs go all out for Week of Welcome

Lively pulsating music filled the air, ASI members ran around frantically, a brigade of food trucks were surrounding the main entrance and free shirts, pens and flyers were being passed out left to right.

This could only mean one thing: Week of Welcome.

WoW is a huge necessity and a great first impression for incoming freshmen and transfers to find out what the CSULB campus has to offer. Sure, out of the hundreds of students who signed up for clubs and organizations on campus, less than half will probably attend the first club meeting, not to mention even less for the second meeting.

But the first step to getting students involved is to at least reach out to them, who on their own may not have taken the first step.

At first, the Wednesday and Thursday Student Organization Fair did look like a hot mess with booths too close to one another and the heavily trafficked walk-ways, but it was worth it when clubs, sports teams, fraternities, sororities and organizations on campus began performing dance routines while their booths handed out free things.

As a new transfer student with no idea what to expect, I assumed it would be a couple of booths and hardly anyone signing up for clubs.

Yet with almost 300 clubs and organizations represented it was a little easier for a student to find something suitable for their taste and schedule. It was exciting to see so many groups partake in the event because without joining something, we would just go to classes and head straight back home with no real attachment to the campus.

Although, WoW was a fun and important event, it did have some flaws.

WoW was more like ‘TDOW’ (Two Days of Welcome). It would have been nice if other clubs had an actual week as well to promote themselves, since the 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. time slot on Wednesday and Thursday simply didn’t seem like enough time.

And what about the students who had night classes?

There are various students on campus who have jobs or families and simply cannot attend daytime events. There should have been an event in the evening to show students they are not forgotten. Smorgasport was as close as it came to a nighttime event but only less than half of the organizations showed up, plus it’s only held during the fall semester.

Overall, Week of Welcome ended with a bang and truly left me with a wow impression and I can definitely say I’m looking forward to being WoWed next semester.

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