University of Central Florida student Frederick LaLanne studies in the nap room inside the Student Union on campus during finals week.
You’ve already begun breaking out in hives, your professors remind you during each class and you compulsively check the calendar, counting the days again and again.
Finals are almost here.
It’s too late to organize a boycott of finals this year, but at least students can distract their mind with the following 10 happy thoughts.
- Summer vacation. Think warm weather, the beach, travel and going out with your friends. If you didn’t take the summer off, you’re probably an overachiever who enjoys the pressure, so you have that to look forward to.
- This too shall pass. Really, no matter how it pans out. Finals season is temporary. After it is over, it is out of your hands. Take that as you will.
- The Jacuzzi at the student recreation center. Go relax in the steaming hot water instead of studying pages of notes you can’t read, even though you wrote them. Or if you can read them, record yourself reading them and listen while you lounge in the hot tub.
- Just dance. It’ll be okay. Crank up some “Crazy in Love” and put a groove in your step as you walk to your finals. It is okay to dance in public places, really. Spread positive energy through your dance moves while relieving some stress from your own veins.
- YouTube videos of animals. If you ever need a really serious happy thought, just watch “Baby Monkey Going Backwards On a Pig.” It is the ultimate finals stress anecdote.
- Sleep, sleeping in and napping. Finals only happen for a few days. Finish them fast, like ripping off a Band-Aid and go hibernate in bed for at least a week.
- EAT. Utilize the variety of eateries on campus during finals week. It’s easy to forget to eat when you are stressed, but food is something that mustn’t slip your mind. And when finals are over: PIG OUT. Refuel your brain and eat!
- But first… Finals week is the only week during the semester where being a coffee addict is not a bad thing.
- The feeling of success. Yep, it’s cheesy. But knowing you’ve completed yet another semester (whether you are graduating or not) will give you a much-needed sense of relief and “I did it!”
- Get back to your hobby. Whether it’s knitting, collecting Depeche Mode records or Game of Thrones, use the time that you are out of school to rekindle the passionate flame for your hobby. Or, find a new hobby!