
Advice from a ‘super senior’: Dos and Don’ts for the newcomers

As I reflect upon my last four years at CSULB, I think about what I would have liked to have known before I stepped onto this 323-acre campus with a blue pyramid. And, I must say, as I go into my fifth year as a 49er — super senior alert! — I still do not understand what motivated those in charge to build a pyramid on our campus, and why said pyramid is blue. But, as usual, I digress.

So, wee freshmen, as you strap up and set out on your college journey, take heed in this wisdom that will surely save your life — and make you ten times cooler.

Do go to class and pay attention. At the very least bring your laptop and watch Jersey Shore on mute, so you can get your attendance points. Yeah, some teachers do that.

Do get to know your teachers. Begging for mercy at the end of the semester from a teacher you’ve never taken the time to introduce yourself to will be a lot easier if your teacher actually knows who you are.

Do ask for help. Go to office hours, ask questions during class, or join a study group. Everyone needs help sometimes.

Don’t skip out on signing up for a class just because it’s offered before 10:00am or on a Friday. Taking that class may be the difference between graduating in four years, and graduating in four years plus an extra semester or two, a-thank-you.

Do check your Beachboard daily. Usually a majority of your class information and assignments are posted there, and your teacher really won’t care if you didn’t do an assignment because you failed to check it.

Don’t go home everyday immediately after class. I made this mistake my first year and it put a damper on my experience. Not to mention it was difficult to meet friends and potential lays. Bummer.

Do keep up with the news. It will behoove you to keep with national and world news, as well as things happening within the CSU system. Avoid being the average, ignorant, apathetic college student.

On that note, do read the Daily 49er. Shameless plug. Read The Union too, because as much as the 49er staff hates to admit it — I don’t know why — it’s an awesome publication.

Though I should say don’t, do try things you’re curious about. I will file such things under “sex, drugs, and Rock n’ Roll” and leave it at that. Didn’t like it? Don’t do it again. Didn’t try it? You’ll never know.

Don’t talk about high school. No one cares if you were prom king, head cheerleader, or misunderstood.

If you’re living in the dorms, do buy your own snacks and a mini-fridge. My days in Parkside Commons many years ago were ones of overly salted chicken strips, chicken strips, and did I mention, chicken strips.

Don’t talk about how you were “so wasted, man” at that “sick party” before, during, and after class. We’ve all been shit-faced, my friend, and you sound like an idiot bragging about it.

Please, please ladies, for the love of God, don’t wear high heels to school. Unless you have an important formal presentation or meeting, leave the stilettos at home. This isn’t Les Deux.

And lastly, don’t be a bio major. Just trust me on this one.

Jessica Wood is a senior biology major and a columnist for the Daily 49er.


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