I wanted to voice my dissatisfaction with the review written by Oscar Miranda about the Cal State Long Beach dance department’s contemporary concert. I have never agreed with his reviews. He is entitled to his own opinions, but I can’t help but feel his arguments in this review are completely unfounded.
Being both a choreographer and performer in the show, I understand that I am biased, but Miranda comes across as extremely close-minded. He pointed a finger at the piece “Naiades” saying that the dancers didn’t embody water nymphs like the title suggested. He failed to consider that perhaps this was a different take on the mythological creatures. Presenting them as dainty, feminine sprites would be the same as re-choreographing every romantic ballet that has already been danced to death.
He comes across as dismissing anything that doesn’t align with his preconceptions and therefore is often dissatisfied with performances.
What angers me even more is his response to someone’s comment on the online version of the article. Miranda comes off pretentious and arrogant. He quotes the dance department handbook as he comments on the department’s lack of technique, failing to take into account that technique and style are two different things.
He responds, “However, I enjoy the process of educating you, so please feel free to respond should you be so inclined.”
This comment is so condescending that it has driven me to send the Daily 49er this letter. He has taken one dance class at this department and now suddenly considers himself an expert. While he may indeed be an intelligent individual, he is so busy intellectualizing what he sees on stage that he misses the artistry of it.
If he cannot be more open to what he is seeing or get off his high horse long enough to actually learn something instead of assuming he already knows everything, I urge you to have someone else review our concerts from now on. He has already made many enemies at our department, not because of his dislike for our concerts, but because of the lack of artistic appreciation he displays in each and every review.
-Heidi Wagenbach
senior dance major.
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