
Academic coaching program offers resources for successful time management

Academic coaching gives students resources for time management. Photo credit: Vincent Medina

The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics hosted a skill-building workshop on Tuesday as part of their Thrive Event Series.

The interactive workshop, led by college of natural sciences advisor Tim Kalliomaa and coordinator Lark Crumpler, focused on exploring strategies for effective time management. The series offers opportunities to students looking to build professional and personal development skills.

Effective time management reduces stress, promotes wellness and encourages efficient learning, according to Crumpler.

The Thrive Event Series offers monthly virtual workshops that give students advice for success

The Thrive Event Series offers monthly virtual workshops that give students advice for success Photo credit: Ashley Wilkes

“It’s really taking care of yourself,” Crumpler said. “Because if you are going to achieve balance or harmony in your life. You need to really be focused on how you spend your time personally, academically and professionally.”

She asserted that time management is often self-taught and strengthened over time.

She also said that managing time is the process of organizing, planning and controlling the amount of time spent on specific activities.

“Time management is a tool. It’s a skill that you learn. It does not come innate,” Crumpler said.

She recommends using modes of organization, such as calendars or planners, to better prioritize tasks and manage time efficiently. Writing down important deadlines helps with visualizing school responsibilities for the month.

“Know that you are the one who has the power here to manage 168 hours a week. Your 24 hours in a day,” Crumpler said.

Events need to be written out once a month, so it is easier to focus on how time is allocated each week. She said to write down the time it takes to sleep, eat, work out, be with family or friends and work. She argues that doing so gives a better understanding of how time is spent and which areas might need improvement.

“The key here is understanding how long it takes [for each task] so that you know how much time you have for the priorities in your life as a student, your class time, your study time, if you work that’s important too,” Crumpler said. “And then everything that fulfills you personally and emotionally. Things that bring you joy, and that allow you to have a break and to take care of yourself.”

Weekly events need to be written out, Crumpler recommends. Managing time spent daily based on specific goals and priorities is much essential.

Writing down daily tasks that want to be accomplished and taking steps to achieve them can help with self-fulfillment. If procrastination is an issue, Crumpler said to start with little things to grow confidence with each accomplishment every day.

Academic coaching is a free resource for students that they can use for guidance on effective time management

Academic coaching is a free resource for students that they can use for guidance on effective time management Photo credit: Ashley Wilkes

Crumpler said an efficient method of studying is to preview, lecture, review, and study (PLRS) material. First, review the material for 15 minutes before class. Second, attend lectures to listen, take notes, and ask questions. Third, check notes directly after the lecture and write down any concepts that are not clear to go over with the professor. Finally, the study specifically focused on the material that needed more clarification.

Any questions regarding the implementation of time management strategies, academic coaching is available for students of all majors at the Student Success Center in room 160. Appointments are available online or in-person on Beach Connect in the student portal.

Thrive Event workshops will continue throughout the semester.

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