Long BeachNews

Peaceful protestors clash with LBPD

A protestor gets on his knees and puts his hands up as Long Beach Police Department prepares to advance on the crowd. Madalyn Amato/ Daily Forty-Niner.

Protesters of police brutality filled the streets of Downtown Long Beach Sunday as they
gathered to protest the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25.

Participants marched through Downtown Long Beach, pausing to kneel and chant “George Floyd.” Cars along Long Beach Blvd. honked in solidarity with demonstrators as volunteers handed out water.

It is estimated that over 3,000 demonstrators were present and demonstrations spread across the city.


The peaceful protest devolved into incidents of mass looting city-wide, resulting in broken windows, barricaded buildings and rubber bullets being used by police officers. Building and vehicle fires also began erupting after the protest close to Downtown Long Beach later in the evening.

Those participating in the looting did not appear to be part of the initial protest group. Many arrived in cars and left the scene within minutes.

Their efforts were mainly focused on The Pike Outlet shopping center.

Long Beach Police Department officers used rubber bullets and flash-bang grenades to disperse the crowds.

Several protestors were shot with rubber bullets, including one woman at less than a 10-foot distance while holding her hands up.

The county of Los Angeles sent out a public safety alert at 5:19 p.m. declaring that a curfew be put in place from 6 p.m. May 31 to 6 a.m. June 1.

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