
Crime Blotter: Stolen cash, warrant arrest and domestic abuse arrest

LBSU weekly crime report

$900 stolen from Bob Cole Conservatory lock box

Staff at the University Music Center reported a theft of approximately $900 from a locked cash box in the ticket office. The theft took place sometime between March 11 and March 22, when staff noticed the money was missing. According to a report given to the University Police Department, the room had “limited access,” but the keys to the box were kept in same desk that held the box. The report also stated the room was left open and unsecure a few times during the time frame. UPD investigators dusted for fingerprints and searched the crime scene but found nothing to lead them toward a suspect.

Domestic abuse outside Beachside College

A resident of Beachside College reported a man and a woman in a physical altercation near the Beachside shuttle stop on March 24. The reporting party said the man hit the woman in the face and pushed her into a vehicle before they both moved north toward the Pacific Coast Highway Traffic Circle. UPD notified the Long Beach Police Department of the altercation who found the found the suspect and victim at Lakewood Boulevard and Rosada Street.

Parking lot stalker arrested for outstanding warrants

A woman reported she was followed by a man yelling and cursing at her for refusing to stop and talk to him on March 24. The woman was walking from parking lot E9 to the University Library when the man started to follow and yell at her. Once she entered the library, the man did not follow her inside. UPD officers arrived at the scene and arrested the man for having four outstanding misdemeanor warrants, three from Los Angeles County and one from Pennsylvania.

Skateboarder arrested at Arco AMPM for assault and battery

An altercation between a skateboarder and a motorist at the Arco AMPM near Bellflower Boulevard and Atherton Street led to an arrest March 25. According to UPD Capt. Richard Goodwin, a verbal altercation sparked after the driver pulled into the gas station. While arguing with the driver, the skateboarder attempted to assault him. Shortly after, UPD arrived and arrested the the skateboarder for assault and battery.

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