Campus, News

Timeline established for general education policy and colleges propose name changes

Proposal to change College of Business Administration to College of Business

College of Business Administration Dean Michael Solt presented a request to change the name of Long Beach State’s “College of Business Administration” to “College of Business” at the Academic Senate meeting on Thursday.

“As economies and societies continue to change, so do business schools,” Solt said. “[New topics] that [aren’t] really part of business administration, things like global business, entrepreneurship, financial innovation, all sorts of options and futures and strategies and leadership [are not encompassed by “business administration].”

In the California State University system, 12 universities use the name “college of business,” not “college of business administration.”

New courses in the realm of business, such as entrepreneurial finance, supply chain management, finance, human relations, business analytics, data privacy and cybersecurity are among some of the topics that Solt believes fall under “business” and not “business administration.”

This was the first reading of the proposal, and no changes have yet been approved.

The name “College of Continuing and Professional Education” deemed outdated

Associate Vice President for International Education Jeet Joshee proposed to change the name “College of Continuing and Professional Education” to “College of Professional and International Education.”

Joshee said that the word “continuing” is confusing, since many continuing education programs originate at Parks and Recreation departments and town centers. According to Joshee, Long Beach State’s program is more rigorous.

CCPE already encompasses many international programs on the LBSU campus, including international education, admissions and recruitment, as well as Study at the Beach. The non-credit English as a Second Language program is also operated by CCPE.

“[The name CPIE] reflects our mission, reflects what we do right now, that represents most of the programs that we have,” Joshee said.

At the CSU level, 11 universities use the word “international” in their courses. According to Joshee, the areas of professional and international studies have been connected since 2010.

No changes have been approved, as this was the first reading of the proposal. Typically, second readings are voted on during the following meeting.

Timeline established for approval of General Education and Graduation Requirements policy

The executive branch of the Academic Senate developed a timeline for how to proceed with the General Education and Graduation Requirements Policy, according to Academic Senate chair Norbert Schürer.

Discussions about revisions of the policy have taken place at multiple senate meetings this semester, with an additional revision committee being created weeks before the deadline for submission to the senate.

By Oct. 22, the General Education Governing Committee will consider the recommendations of the summer and fall ad hoc committees that were tasked with reviewing the policy. GEGC will forward their recommendations to the Curriculum and Educational Policies Council, which serves as the primary advising body on educational policies at LBSU.

By Dec. 12, CEPC will make recommendations to the executive committee of the senate. During the first senate meeting of the spring on Jan. 31, the policy will hit the senate floor for discussion.

“In my wildest dreams, somehow we will get [this done] by the end of the semester,” Schürer said.

The statewide Academic Senate is working on a document on tenants of shared government in collaboration with the chancellor’s office to make sure that this kind of commotion does not occur again.


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