
CSULB students vote against $165 University Student Union fee increase

The University Student Union
Students were forced to relocate after a swarm of bees infiltrated the University Student Union Thursday.

The Student Fee Advisory Committee will meet on Friday to compile a recommendation for University President Jane Close-Conoley, who will make the final decision regarding the issue of a University Student Union fee increase.

“I’m absolutely siding with the students,” Conoley said via telephone after the voting results were announced. She said she would expect to receive a recommendation from the SFAC  in about two weeks. “I’m fairly confident that with a 67 percent negative vote, they’re going to send me a negative recommendation.” Conoley said that based on her initial assessment of the voter turnout and the majority opinion, she would most likely accept a negative recommendation.

web_news_referendum banner 2_michael ares Vice President of Student Services Dr. Carmen Tillery Taylor, chair of the SFAC, announced the official results of the referendum to a packed Dr. Stuart L. Farber Senate Chamber on Feb. 26.

“This is the highest voter turnout in the CSULB history,” Taylor said, regarding the 34.1 percent of CSULB students who voted via email on this referendum.

Of the votes cast, 7,666 (63.53 percent) opposed against the fee increase, and 3,765 (31.20 percent) favored it. The remaining 635 votes recored came in as blank, which reflected students who chose the “skip” option at the bottom of the email ballot. The official voting period began at midnight on Feb. 24 and ended at midnight on Feb. 26.

According to an Associated Students Inc. media release, ASI Executive Director Richard Haller said regarding the results, “We are amazed by the turnout and proud of our students for being so engaged.”

University Student Union Director Dr. Dave Edwards said, according the ASI release, “The end result wasn’t what we were hoping for, but I am extremely happy that web_news_referendum banner 1_michael ares students had a voice in the process and that CSULB exceeded the national trends in student voter engagement.”

“I have, for obvious reasons, kept a distance from this referendum effort,” Conoley said via email on Tuesday. “Although I … understand the pulse of the students’ opinions.”

The SFAC will meet on Friday from 8:30-10:30 a.m. in USU 205.

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  1. I am proud of the record setting turnout of student voters on the USU Referendum. The students have clearly spoken and their voices have been loudly heard. THAT was the intent of the vote at the suggestion of the CSU Chancellor and other concerned parties. Some have found it mind boggling that this even made it on the ballot. I would pose the question “would students rather have had the matter considered without their vote, without their voices”? As a student I would not.

    As an ASI Representative to the Student Fee Advisory Committee which will be addressing its recommendation to President Conoley this Friday, I will echo the voice of the students and recommend against an increase.

  2. Good good, the fact that someone even had the cajones to put this on the ballet was mind boggling. Let’s see your hefty profits and salaries from all the revenue you’re generating before approaching quality education at affordable prices. Screw you and your electrical outlets.

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