
Thousands gather at CSULB for SoCal Special Olympics

More than a thousand athletes from all over Southern California gathered at Cal State Long Beach this weekend to compete in the 2011 Special Olympics.

Individuals with intellectual disabilities participated in aquatics, basketball, bocce ball, golf, gymnastics and track and field with the help of approximately 300 coaches and 2,000 volunteers.

The event began Saturday morning with the traditional torch lighting ceremony followed by this year’s keynote address delivered by Jerry West, who is a former player, coach and general manager of the Los Angeles Lakers.

Lee Anderson, a mother with three autistic sons participating in the games, said playing sports has given her sons increased self-confidence and a sense of camaraderie.

“Having them cheer for other teammates and other athletes really helps them become part of society — a better part of society,” Anderson said.

Rita Williams, whose adopted daughter competed in the 30- and 50-meter shalom races, said the games physically trained her daughter to use her wheelchair effectively.


“She was always very afraid to go very fast in the wheelchair and, now, as long as she’s got a clear view, she’s real good,” Williams said. “She handles it much better — she’s worked on it a lot more.”

According to Linda Smith, chief financial officer of the Foundation for Special People, an added benefit is that participants often travel to the competition.

“Many times, it’ll be the first time that they’ve actually been able to vacation without their circle of support and maybe their parents — their care provider — and it makes them feel independent,” Smith said.

Bill Shumard, president and CEO of Special Olympics Southern California, said the event is a valuable experience for the participants.

Shumard said, “It’s an overnight trip, so you can call it the competitive event of the year and the social event of the year for our athletes.”

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