
Wes Craven screens ‘Scream 4’

Wes Craven has a question-and-answer session after the screening of “Scream 4” in the University Student Union.

A screening of “Scream 4” and a discussion with director Wes Craven drew a large crowd to the University Student Union Monday night.

Craven elaborated on what it takes to make a movie, discussing the fourth installment of the “Scream” franchise’s direction, as well as its planning and implementation. 

The director said the movie was a lot of work because he never knew what scene they were going to film at particular times throughout the day. 

“It is amazing it turned out as well as it did,” he said. 

The focus of the 20-minute question-and-answer session, according to film and electronics professor Gary Prebula, was production sequences and film economics.

Craven discussed the “Scream 4” editing process, insisting that he had never worked harder on a film. 

He also said that the process was a matter of asking, “Do we really need this?”

The DVD would be interesting, the director added, because of a large number of scenes that were shot and included in the movie.

The audience was filled with Cal State Long Beach students who were eager to see the latest installment in the “Scream” series and be part of a discussion with the film’s director.

After the screening, Craven entered the theater and everyone began to clap and cheer. He took the stage and engaged in a question-and-answer session with Prebula. 

After Prebula conducted the session, students were given a chance to ask questions. 

A few students asked career-related questions. Craven gave them advice and even wished some of them good luck. 

When asked about avoiding horror movie clichés, he said he points them out to himself and then tries to break them. 

For example, when people say they will be right back, they usually die, he said. He said he tried to avoid things like this, beginning with the original “Scream.”

As the movie began, reactions from the audience began as well. Throughout the movie, they gasped, screamed, laughed and clapped. 

When the movie ended, the overall consensus seemed to be that it was a hit. Film majors Elliot Plichta and Kevin Tran said they enjoyed the film.

“I liked it,” Plichta said. “It’s my favorite one since the original.”

As the evening came to a close, Craven said he had a good time. 

“I enjoyed watching you guys watch the movie,” the director said.

As he stood up, the whole room broke into applause and some students even stood up as part of a standing ovation.

Junior accounting major James Pederson said he enjoyed the event overall.

“It was really cool,” he said. “I liked watching the movie and then having the chance to listen to the director and get his perspective.”

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