
Student designers, models to present ‘fashions of tomorrow’

Chelsea Knights walks the catwalk in the 2010 Rags II Rhythms fashion show on the Cal State Long Beach campus.

The 11th annual University Student Program Council’s Rags II Rhythms fashion show will feature student models and designers from Cal State Long Beach as well as the local community. 

The show, “Fashion of Tomorrow,” will consist of a concert, a fashion show and vendors. 

It will be different from other shows because it showcases underground designers who don’t have the means to open a store, said Tristan Wynn, executive director and producer of the fashion show. 

Junior textiles and clothing major Amber Hickman has been working all semester to get her “Ravish and Romance” collection ready to be displayed on the catwalk. 

Hickman said it is her third year participating in the fashion show.

“Ravish” is edgy and structured. “Romance” is sweet and simple, but together they make a cohesive, edgy mix, Hickman explained. 

Hickman’s collection consists of 12 pieces she constructed herself.

“It took an immense amount of time, since I was trying to balance it with school, but I look forward to it,” Hickman said. “Every year I get the opportunity to grow and the show helps with time management and I get to practice what I love to do.”

According to Wynn, students will be treated to underground DJs and R&B/pop artists. There will also be vendors for students to buy clothes and accessories.

“There [will] be 15 to 20 designers and around 25 male and 25 female models,” Wynn said. 

Sabrina Aryadad, a 2007 contestant on “America’s Next Top Model” and a fashion merchandising senior, will be strutting the catwalk as she has done for the past five years. 

The year she was on “America’s Next Top Model” was the first year she participated in Rags II Rhythms, Arydad said. 

Andre Crenshaw, a freshman kinesiology major and theatre minor, will also be walking the runway this year, but for his first time.

“I am excited about the specific walks each model has been assigned to do,” Crenshaw said.

All of the models don’t have to be one size, Wynn said.

“We are giving the models that don’t have that interesting look the opportunity to walk in a fashion show,” Wynn said.

This fashion show is not to be confused with the Campus Couture fashion show, which will be held on May 13. The couture show is part of the Fashion Merchandising and Design Department.

“We are our own separate entity,” Wynn said. 

“The whole atmosphere is different — it is more laid back, [the models] express themselves when they walk the runway,” Wynn said. 

According to Wynn, the team starts planning the event in January and it takes about five months. 

The team consists of six people, which includes Wynn and five assistant producers.

“This year, we are taking our theme to the next level,” Wynn said. “Last year, we had snow falling on the runway. This year, we are giving a ‘Tron’ feel, we are doing a full laser show and performance while models walk.”

The Rags II Rhythms fashion show will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. in the University Student Ballroom. 

Tickets are $13 for students and $15 for non-students and can be purchased in the USU information booth on the second floor.

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