
Smorgasport introduces students to campus life

At the end of the Associated Students, Inc.’s annual Week of Welcome, Cal State Long Beach students experienced an evening full of free activities, games, food and performances at Smorgasport on Friday.

ASI vice president Lucy Nguyen said a record number of student organizations contributed to Smorgasport this year.

“[Smorgasport] is a good way for new students to get acquainted with each other and see all of the student orgs,” Nguyen said.

According to a press release from ASI, more than 3,000 students participated in the event last year.

“We work very hard to make this event happen,” ASI Communications Coordinator Christina L. Esparza said.

Esparza said it is important to show students that going to college and getting an education is more than just going to class.

“We want to provide entertainment and a safe night out for students,” she said.

Sophomore music major David Henderson said he was surprised with the scale and club turnout of the event.

“I expected it to just be crowded and awkward, but it’s fun,” said Henderson. “It’s busy, but it means the students love campus and getting involved.”

There were booths for various sports clubs, organizations, sororities and fraternities. AMP Radio was also at the event and Polly’s Bakery gave out coupons for free pie.

Some popular activities included the wax hand booth, where students could make wax moldings of their hands, free henna tattoos and a photo booth in which students could take professional pictures and get prints right away. Students also enjoyed obstacle courses, archery, a rock climbing wall, free pool tables and bowling alleys inside the University Student Union.

Several dance clubs performed at the event, such as PAC Modern and Movement Project. In addition, students watched Bali dancers or engaged in salsa dance lessons.

New to Smorgasport this year was a skate demonstration, supported by Action Sports and the Long Beach Surf Club, where semi-professional and professional skateboarders performed before a crowd of onlookers.

Katie Magana, a junior marine biology major who helped coordinate the event, said that it was difficult to get the skate demonstration approved by the school since skateboarding is prohibited on campus.

“The people at Smorgasport seemed to really enjoy [the skate demonstration],” said Magana. “If possible, I’d love to do it again next year.”

Henderson said the school should have more events like Smorgasport.

“A lot of new students don’t usually interact at the start of the year. It’s a great way to meet new people and get a feel for the school,” he said.

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