
CSULB speed dating ‘convenient’

In the busy world of college — where students rely on instant coffee, fast food and instant messaging — many seem to have less and less time to go on actual dates, and instead turn to the world of speed dating.

In just a few minutes, one can “date” many other singles and determine if they would like to set an actual date with these mysterious strangers sitting on the opposite side of the table.

Though speed dating may not be for everyone, “Rarely will people have a better opportunity to meet eligible singles than on a college campus,” said James Koval, a Cal State Long Beach child development and family studies professor.

Some students see speed dating as an advantage.

“I think [speed dating] is exciting and a convenient way for singles to mingle,” said Ritche Fabian, a sophomore business major. “Anyway, it’s just a game; it’s up to the person to take it to the next level.”

Other students are overwhelmed with personal fears and decide to find a date some other way.

“I think it’s a fun idea,” said Amish Asher, an engineering graduate student. “I would like to go but it’s not a good way, at least for me, to start a relationship … In the long run it won’t work.”

Tuan Do, a senior finance major, also shares Asher’s views.

“It might be awkward,” Do said, “but I think it’s the same process as going to a club … You might get lucky, you might not.”

With all this in mind, CSULB’s University Student Union Program Council will be holding its third speed dating night April 15 in the USU Ballrooms from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Only CSULB students are eligible to participate.

“Students love the event,” said Tristan Wynn, a junior journalism major and Program Council assistant. “It’s a big success … And it isn’t just for dating, it’s an opportunity to meet people you would have never met.”

During the event, female students sit on the inside of a round table while the male students sit on the outside. Each couple has a three-minute date and when time is up, the male students rotate.

Simone Silva, a senior film major and program council assistant, said she thinks that speed dating has become popular at CSULB, making it an efficient way for busy students to start a relationship.

“It has become a growing trend; we have about 100 sign-ups per event, which is a very good turnout,” Silva said.

Some students see the event as a good way to meet people at a commuter campus like CSULB.

“I’m going because my roommate is going,” said Lisa Tomita, an undeclared freshman. “It’s also a good way to meet people [on campus] because people here, for the most part, go to school and then go home. … I’m just looking for friends, it’s not like I’m trying to get married.”

Others also seem open to the idea but, again, are somewhat hesitant.

“I think [speed dating] is a funny idea,” said Jade Green, a freshman psychology major. “But I’m going to see how it works.”

Ali Humza, a graduate engineering student, said he wouldn’t go because “in our culture we don’t have things like that … What would my dad say?”

According to Wynn, some students who have participated in the past have found long-lasting relationships and later sent thank you cards to the program council for holding the event.

“It’s a good experience and a great way for people to meet others who are not so involved in school organizations,” said Nancy Dinh, a sophomore communication studies major who attended the event in November. “Even though I already have a boyfriend, I’m going again this semester because last year I met two people and became really good friends with them.”

On the other hand, Frank Garcia, a sophomore engineering major who also attended the event last November, thought the event wasn’t that great or helpful.

“It’s good if you have nothing else to do because it’s fun,” Garcia said, “but you really don’t have enough time to really talk to the other person.”

Snacks and refreshments will be served at the event during a PowerPoint presentation to educate the students on what and what not to ask during the three-minute date.

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  1. omg this is so sad ppl!! just go out into the real world and date like normal humans were intended to do so

  2. I’ll be going tomorrow. It will be a new and interesting way to meet people at least. I may get lucky, I may not. It’s all in good fun

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