The hustle and bustle of the Associated Students Inc. Senate members shifting into their new seat assignments opened up Wednesday’s meeting to discuss new grants encouraging bicycle-use, free transportation for students and other new appointments and events planned for fall of 2008.
Chief of staff James Davis spoke on behalf of absent ASI President Erin Swetland and announced her upcoming plans to the senate.
“We have applied for a grant with the City of Long Beach for $115 thousand to get a bike rental system started,” Davis said.
When two different members of the senate questioned the safety of having more bicyclists on campus Davis responded, “University of Police want to hold training for people who ride bikes on campus and new bike paths will hopefully keep them away from walkers.”
ASI will know in November if the grant was approved. Davis announced that students will be able to ride the Long Beach Transit bus for free from Aug. 25 through Sept. 30. to help with the high volume of traffic at the beginning of the semester.
A monthly newsletter sent by email to students will also be in effect for fall.
“The email will basically be an update as to what is going on with the campus, and any upcoming events,” Davis said.
Vice President Chris Chavez spoke about an ecology awareness day for kids, “This is our first annual attempt to do this,” Chavez said.
The ecology day, which will be titled Kideco, will take place on Aug. 8. Chavez hopes that through Kideco, kids will become more involved with the university.
“We will be teaching kids how to recycle, having fun and learning about ecology,” Chavez said.
The board then appointed new members to the senate. Deaka McClain, a senior journalism major, was announced secretary for students with disabilities.
“I want to bring awareness to the campus about the disabled student population we have here,” McClain said. “I feel I am not only knowledgeable about this, but I am enlightened enough to handle this position.”
She talked about planning a disables awareness day in the fall and using her position as promotion director at KBEACH radio to help.
“I’m not here to stay, I’m just here to make a difference,” McClain said at the end of her speech.
Sherwin Parker, a senior liberal studies major, was appointed secretary of cultural diversity.
“We go to a very diverse campus and we have self segregation here,” Parker said. “I want to make groups more aware of each other and have a broader spectrum here on campus.”
Stephanie Mejias, a junior child development and family studies major, was appointed secretary of women’s affairs.
“I want to empower the women on campus,” Mejias said.
Mejias also talked about an upcoming women’s conference. “The ball is already rolling for that,” Mejias said.