
Spill the Tea: How do students feel about the new semester?

Spill the tea Photo credit: Kristina Agresta

Jesse De Castro, first-year mechanical engineering major.

Jesse De Castro, first-year mechanical engineering major. Photo credit: Tanisha Bucad

“I definitely like it (being back on campus), much more than online,” said Jesse De Castro, a first-year mechanical engineering major. “There’s so much more opportunity for interactions, collaborations and you don’t have that barrier of a mute button.”

Julie Sanchez, a second-year criminal justice/criminology major and English creative writing minor.

Julie Sanchez, a second-year criminal justice/criminology major with a minor in English creative writing. Photo credit: Tanisha Bucad

“I’m scared of failing,” said Julie Sanchez, a second-year criminal justice/criminology major. “I feel like I have a lot to uphold, especially in my family, but I feel like that always motivates me to work a little harder.”

Alice Malin Melo, second-year political science major and economics and French minor.

Alice Malin Melo, second-year political science major with a minor in economics and French. Photo credit: Tanisha Bucad

“It’s nice to be back,” said Alice Malin Melo, a second-year political science major. “I’m just taking classes I genuinely enjoy and am passionate about.”

Nazly Menjivar, fourth-year fashion design major.

Nazly Menjivar, fourth-year fashion design major. Photo credit: Tanisha Bucad

“(I look forward to) meeting new people,” said Nazly Menjivar, a fourth-year fashion design major. “There’s so many people with different backgrounds and I really like getting to know people with creative minds.”

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