Cal State Long Beach art and design major Francisco Palomares has aspired to become an artist since childhood. He recalls curling up in cabinets and drawing inside them instead of drawing on paper or coloring books. Sometimes, if cabinets were not accessible, then he would climb on top of furniture and draw on the walls.
As Palomares got older, he began using canvases and further explored other mediums. Recently, he has been doing freelance pieces throughout the Los Angeles area. He did a mural for his old high school and an elaborate jungle scene for a medical marijuana dispensary.
Palomares is now hosting his first art show at Hot Java on Oct. 12 at 7 p.m, and the Daily 49er spoke to him about this experience.
Q: How did you book your gig at the Hot Java?
A: My friend and I went late at night to get coffee at Hot Java, and I noticed there was artwork on the wall. So I asked the guy, “Do you guys rotate the artwork? I’m an artist. I’d like to be considered for artwork.” I gave him my business card, and he handed me a form I had to fill out.
Roughly two days after I made a Facebook page for my artwork, the owner contacted me, saying he really liked the energy, variety of subject and content that I had.
We set up a meeting to talk more about it, and he pretty much gave me all the space that was available. He said whatever I wanted to show, I should just create, and I could use as much space as I needed.
Q: Would you consider this your first art show?
A: No, I don’t think so. It’s like your precursor in a sense, a precursor to something bigger. It’s a gallery, but it isn’t an official gallery where people go strictly to look at art. I feel like the way I treat it could be official, because I’ve been marketing it and inviting people I network with to go.
Q: How has promotion been so far for your event?
A: I was putting up flyers in the art buildings, so it kind of reminds me of Shepard Fairey because it’s the same image over and over. I’m pretty sure some people think it’s obnoxious and in-your-face. I can’t say that I do or don’t like it, but it’s a reaction. Sometimes it’s more powerful to make people more upset because they’re going to be like, “I remember him – I know his artwork.”
Q: What should attendees expect of your event?
A: I think it’ll be a lot of young-adult themes because that’s me. I’m not super deep with my paintings. I think sometimes it’s just the aesthetics and inspiration pieces that just make you smile because they’re huge and overwhelming. It’s a long narrative that’s straightforward. It’ll be a good time with good vibes.
The event will take place at Hot Java at 2101 E Broadway and feature music, baked goods and art pieces by Palomares.