
Garage Theatre causes viewers to ‘Stop’ and think

Beth Pennington (left) and Kim Bush explore the meaning of love in “Stop Kiss,” playing at the Garage Theatre in Long Beach.

 Why must people hate what is different? With the attack of a transgender student on the Cal State Long Beach campus still stinging the minds of Long Beach residents, “Stop Kiss,” a play performing at the Garage Theatre, strikes at the heart of this question.

The play centers around an attack of two women, Callie (Kim Bush) and Sarah (Beth Pennington) as they explore the meaning of love and how it can transcend societal norms. Both Bush and Pennington perform with deep emotions that would melt even the most steely of hearts. Their subtle back-and-forth dialogue would almost make this play a romantic comedy, if not for the anachronism that reminds the audience of the attack.

The remainder of the cast is filled with supporting players that seek to understand the events that led up to the attack.

George (Cory Cooke), Callie’s friend with benefits, seems to recognize the obvious tension between the two women but manages to play it off, as if to say, “No way. You’re just confusing reality with porn again.” Cooke offers some comic relief and is genuinely enjoyable.

Peter (Richard Martinez), Sarah’s ex-fiancé from St. Louis, underplays the role by being too accepting. He is obviously still in love with Sarah, but seems to accept her new relationship with Callie, with little to no fight.

Amy Louise Sebelius, who has dual roles as Mrs. Winsey and a nurse, needs to be recognized simply for playing two roles with such different personalities. Sebelius’s transition from the uptight Mrs. Winsey to the caring, though briefly-played, nurse is stunning. You would almost swear that her characters were played by two different people who had a striking resemblance to each other.

“Stop Kiss” is the rare kind of play which makes us realize that love does not conquer all, but if you look and have hope, it might be there long enough to get you through the rough times.

“Stop Kiss” is playing at The Garage Theatre in Long Beach through August 28. For ticket information, go to thegaragetheatre.org.


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