The Patchwork Indie Arts and Crafts Festival will return to Long Beach on Sunday at Marine Stadium Park on Appian Way and Nieto Ave. from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Patchwork Festival in Long Beach began last November. The festival showcases food, music, and crafts of all varieties.
Master gardener Adriana Martinez maintains a blog called Anarchy in the Garden, which blends a punk rock attitude with the ins-and-outs of gardening — two of her passions.
Martinez said she started the blog because she couldn’t relate to the typical ‘old lady gardening club’ feel associated with gardening. She instead features ways for young people to get involved.
Martinez co-sponsored both festivals and will offer free workshops on gardening, covering topics such as: seed starting, composting, soil blocking and raised garden bed basics.
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