
Best bathrooms on campus

As college students, we already have enough on our minds, causing us not to pay close attention to little things like bathrooms on campus. As anyone would though, I think it’s safe to say that most students want clean and well-stocked bathrooms to use.

Even though bathrooms are not considered the most important or cleanest places on a school campus, I believe that there are a few select bathrooms around CSULB that fit quality criteria based on cleanliness, privacy and stock consistency. These bathrooms also have paper towel dispensers for cleaner hand drying.

For all-gender restrooms, there are plenty around campus. The Horn Center and the University Student Union have reached the criteria, especially in terms of privacy.

The Horn Center’s all-gender restroom is always thoroughly cleaned and has plenty of privacy as its stall doors reach all the way to the floor. It is located near the Art Museum entrance.

The University Student Union’s all-gender restrooms, which are located on the first and third floors of the building, also have a good sense of privacy. Since the USU is a popular building for students and guests, their bathroom maintenance is typically kept up to par.

Being gender specific, for women’s bathrooms, I have found that the best by far would have to be on the second floor of Brotman Hall and the first floor of the psychology building.

All of Brotman Hall’s women’s restrooms seem to have many stalls, including a lactation and baby-changing station. These resources provide comfort for student parents, something not all public restrooms can always provide.

The psychology building bathroom contains only three stalls. Because it’s smaller, it’s easier for on-campus staff to keep it clean and stocked up with all the necessary products.

After discussing with some classmates, it’s been determined that most of the men’s bathrooms on campus have little to no privacy and aren’t always kept to standard.

Despite these issues though, the best bathrooms for men at CSULB are in the Molecular and Life Science Center and the Liberal Arts building.

The bathroom in the Molecular and Life Science building is located on the first floor. It’s always clean and known to have plenty of stalls.

The Liberal Arts bathroom is a popular bathroom on campus as well. Its placement along the walkway of the Liberal Arts buildings and leading up to the library make it easily accessible for many students to use the restroom comfortably.


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