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Our world does not revolve around homework

Homework assigned over spring break can oftentimes get in the way of decompressing and relaxation. Photo credit: Kristina Agresta

The anticipation and excitement college students feel before spring break can be ruined in a matter of seconds by homework assignments. This is the universal experience every student feels at one point in their college life.

Students already dedicate a majority of their time to schoolwork, why should spring break be the same?

Students who spend too much time on homework experience stress, health problems, and a lack of balance in their lives. More than two hours of homework a night may be counterproductive, according to a study from Stanford University.

I do not think professors should assign homework over break. Homework assigned over break honestly ruins my entire “vacation”. The deadline constantly lingers in the back of my mind the whole time.

During my breaks, I want to decompress because I am stressed from all the school work I have to do already. Having even one week to relax is such a blessing. Some professors should realize that having this time off is such a reward for us students.

From past experience, I know the majority of students will probably do their homework last minute or even on the last day of break. The finished product is not even worth turning in sometimes since students will not put effort into the assignments.

Homework over break is not beneficial to my learning. I do not want to work on an assignment for my whole break; I would rather spend it at the beach, with friends and family, or finally sleep in for once.

College students already deal with the stress of their personal lives outside of school plus their school work and life. It is pointless to have a so-called “break” when students are still being put to work by their professors.

Spring break should be the time to explore skills of one’s personal interest or a time students will truly have to themselves.

Students have a life outside of school. The world is made of more than just homework.

If we still need homework to force students to stay focused and motivated during holidays, then professors have some homework to do themselves.

With students constantly racing to beat deadlines and assignments, they should be able to actually get that well-deserved break from their homework.

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