
Summer is here

We are almost at the finish line of the semester, and summer is right around the corner. After a semester of burn out, we are almost done.

As we inch closer to in-person instruction, California is nearing the less-restrictive yellow tier which will allow higher capacities and more openings in time for the hot summer.

The summer break is much needed for myself, as I am exhausted from this semester, like many of my peers. Many students use the summer to travel, gain summer internships or even take summer classes.

I was fortunate to grab a summer internship with the Arroyo Seco Saints, a summer collegiate baseball team based out of Pasadena, California.

The internship is a sports journalism internship and consists of covering games throughout Southern California and possibly some in Northern California. I’m eager to begin the internship, since it’s been some time since I was told about my position in January.

The team had their 2020 season suspended due to the pandemic, so it will be their first time back in two years. I look to get more experience in what I want to pursue as a career and make connections.

I don’t really plan to do any far traveling because I’d have to break the piggy bank. I’ve been looking forward to this summer more, probably because of all the time I spent at home during the past year.

But with the down time in the summer, I’m looking to pursue other interests. I have been working to launch an E-commerce business of mine, doing research and narrowing down my niche. My friend recently launched one of his own, so he motivated me to do so.

I am a person that likes to pursue new interests and learn new skills, which is probably what I will do this summer. I plan to read a little more and learn a skill, whether that be learning a new language, playing a musical instrument or learning to cook something is still up to debate for me.

This summer just feels different to me. If you have the opportunity, take time to try out new things. There is nothing worse than not trying and thinking later on what-if. Whether that be traveling, taking a new opportunity, or trying to learn a new skill.

Don’t take this summer for granted. Use this break to prepare for the first normal semester in a while, brush up on an old hobby, or learn a new skill.

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