By Miguel Barragan and Jose Ahumada
What has been your worst roommate experience?
Ryan Gieg, Second-year computer science major
“Last year my roommate put a Top Ramen thing in the microwave but didn’t fill it with water so it kind of sparked. It filled our whole room with smoke. We had to vent the entire first floor of the building and have fans and colognes sprayed everywhere. Our rooms smelled like cigarette smoke for the rest of the semester.”
Makayla Coleman, Fourth-year fashion merchandise major
“One of my worst experiences was having to calm my friend down after she walked in on her roommate having sex in her room with two guys. It was so bad. And [the friend] had just gotten back from spring break and she had taken a five-hour train and she just wanted to go to sleep. She just wanted to get in her room and go to sleep. The minute she got into the room, she couldn’t unlock the room because they dead bolted it and she spazzed the hell out.”
Blake Caughey, Third-year business finance major
“I was just sitting in the hallway and some kid just came out of his dorm and threw up right in the hallway. [It was] kind of gross but he picked it up, which is cool.”
Daniel Cervantes Pajarito, Third-year political science major
“Worst experience … would be getting [caught] by the [resident assistants]. It was a great time but there [were] way too many people in the dorm rooms. We didn’t know half the people in the room, which is crazy. The RAs knocked on the door… I had to hide in a closet, but there was some dumbass on the bed who was still drinking. Everyone who was still visible go