
Electronic music has entered the mainstream consciousness

Electronic music has seemed to have taken over the social scene at such a fast pace that it’s now hard to remember what life was like without it. There used to be a time where fans had to essentially look high and low for a decent club that played techno music.

Although techno music has been around for quite some time, in recent years it has really taken off, swaying the interests and desires of DJ’s, night clubs, and the music world. Techno fans no longer have to venture to “underground” raves or alternative hipster LA to hear their favorite tunes; instead they can just switch on the radio to 102.7 or any other mainstream station.

However, although we Americans think that we have jumped the gun with the techno bandwagon, we’ve merely slowly but surely followed in Europe’s footsteps.

Having been in London this past summer and experiencing the night life, I can definitely say that their whole night life culture is immersed in an electronic world.

Every club, bar, restaurant, and even grocery store plays some varied playlist consisting of Calvin Harris, Tiesto, Swedish House Mafia, and many other techno masters; you couldn’t get away from it if you tried. Unlike here in the US, where electronic music has served as a larger than life musical movement, electronic music is simply just part of the European lifestyle.

Nonetheless, the impact that this genre has made on the music world can be measured in a variety of ways. The once almost alternative style of music has become so mainstream and accepted by not only the public, but other artists, that I can guarantee that almost all of the most popular hip hop songs have been mashed up with some sort of beat to create a remix.

Not to mention, the popularity of music festivals featuring electronic music has sky rocketed and enabled a great deal of variety and festivals throughout the year.

In addition, Coachella, which has always seemed to be the playground of almost every type of music, is featuring a great deal of popular electronic names this year such as Sweedish House Mafia, Afrojack, David Guetta, Kaskade, Avici, Porter Robinson, and Calvin Harris. In basic words, this is a dream come true for any techno music fan.

Not only do they get to see all these amazing artists over three days, but they don’t have to go to a rave to see them.

The large amount of techno artists being featured at Coachella, virtually the most epic musical experience offered, demonstrates that techno music has most definitely made its mark and most likely will be around for a while.

Emily Andrews is a senior journalism student and contributing writer for the Daily 49er.

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