A recent poll conducted amongst likely voters in today’s midterm election and released by the Los Angeles Times and the University of Southern California, shows favorable results for illegal immigrants. An increasing amount of Californians said, “immigrants are a benefit to the state” and those “who have held a job here for two years should be allowed to stay,” the Los Angeles Times reports.
Immigration policy, a hotbed issue in the sunshine state, has slipped to the back burner in wake of more pertinent economic issues. This shouldn’t discourage immigrant or minority groups from voting, though.
Who would push otherwise, you might ask.
Flashing pictures of President Obama, Sen. Harry Reid, Sen. Barbara Boxer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Latinos 4 Reform released a one and a half minute ad rallying Latinos not to vote.
“Last time, the Democratic leadership made a commitment that immigration reform will be passed within a year … [They] betrayed us,” laments the ad. “This is the only way to send them a clear message.”
The LA Times/USC poll was released after the ad, but the California public has proved to be more favorable to illegal immigrants than their respective elected officials. The only way to carry this sentiment from California households to Sacramento and Washington, D.C. is to vote.
However, this still begs the question. Why would any group discourage its members from voting? After all, the Republican President of Latinos 4 Reform, Roberto DePosada, voted absentee himself.
“When you look at the substance of the ad, the website, when you look at the press release, we are very clear,” DePosada told TBD.com “Go vote for governor or whoever, just don’t vote for those who betray you.”
Apparently, “don’t vote this November” means don’t vote for Democratic candidates running for the U.S. House or Senate.
The Democratic Party historically benefits from increased voter turnout. This was evidenced in last year’s presidential election. Latinos 4 Reform, a reportedly GOP-linked organization, understands that less votes means more Republican gains.
Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican or a staunch Ralph Nader supporter, don’t let anyone tell you not to vote.
Trust us when we say that disenfranchisement doesn’t lead to political results.
One shouldn’t think our push to vote amounts to supporting Congress, either. Our elected officials failed their Latino voters but that doesn’t mean these Latinos should discontinue voting.
While public sentiment is growing favorable, there are still many who would encourage unfair deportation. Their voices must be drowned out with votes.
Today, whether you’re passionate about immigration policy, vote! We’re keeping our eye on Proposition 19.
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