Tracy McDannald’s article, “Different kind of race card used against Miami’s LeBron James,” is suprisingly similiar to an article posted in September by Dexter Rogers, “Q-Score: Why Do African-American Athletes Top the Most Hated List?”.
Looking at the body of both articles, the following comes to light.
Rogers writes about Terrell Owens, two white guys (Roger Clemens and Mark Mcguire), Ben Rothlisberger, “Golden Boy” Brett Favre and finishes with going back in history to Muhammad Ali.
McDannald writes about Ben Rothlisberger, Terrell Owens, two white guys (Jay Cutler and Philip Rivers), “Old Fart” Brett Favre and finishes with going back in history to Ty Cobb.)
Odd how McDannald mentions Big Ben, two white guys, uses a label for Brett Favre, and ends back in history, just like Rogers.
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