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Editor’s Note: Welcome Back!


Dear Long Beach State,


We’re sure many of you are asking yourselves “what the f*ck just happened?”


We, here at the Daily Forty-Niner, are asking ourselves the same thing.


The past five months have been incredibly challenging for all of us and, with the start of a mainly virtual semester, things are about to get even more difficult.


That being said, we here at the Niner want to assure you, our community, that just because the way we’re doing our job is changing, our job itself isn’t.


Things will be different this semester. For the first time in our nearly 71-year history, the Daily Forty-Niner will not be producing a printed copy of our publication and will remain completely online. To compensate for the loss of a physical print version, we will continue to publish a digital copy of our print edition online at and maintain a 24-hour news cycle on our website at


Our dedication to providing up-to-date, fresh and important information, however, is unphased by this change in distribution.


We’re going to be exploring topics in new depths and discussing issues that affect us all like race and racism, mental health and plenty more.


The Daily Forty-Niner’s mission statement is to be the voice of the student body on campus, and we strive to continue to maintain that mission, even from afar.


Madalyn Amato, editor in chief


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