
Students can now choose their preferred pronouns on MyCSULB

Long Beach State students can now select their preferred pronouns in their MyCSULB student portal.

Long Beach State implemented a new option for students to select their preferred pronouns on their MyCSULB student portal. 


Students can now update their pronoun preferences under a new tab in their student portal, where they can select from a list of four options: he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/theirs or “use name.” 


Fourth-year graphic design major Federico Yniguez, vice president of CSULB’s Queers and Allies club, feels this decision has been a long time coming. 


“I think this is a huge step forward,” Yniguez said. “By adding a pronoun option on MyCSULB, the very institution of CSULB validates and recognizes the entirety of the community. Pronouns are such an important part of our identities that this just validates so many students’ wishes.” 


Yniguez said he feels CSULB implemented this option for its large LGBTQ+ community in light of the current political and social atmosphere causing the administration to analyze the school’s values. 


“Recently, more of my professors have been asking about pronouns,” Yniguez said. “We have a beautiful trans, non-binary and gender non-forming community that I feel is being seen through this new option.”


President Jane Close Conoley said the university made the decision to be more inclusive.


“We offered this choice so students can be in charge of their identities,” Conoley said in an email. “I feel great about offering more choices because the human race is not now and never was binary. We are not defined only by our biology.” 


CSULB, in accordance with the California State University chancellor’s office, added this option in June in preparation for the summer Student Orientation, Advising and Registration program.


According to Conoley, CSULB has been in favor of offering this choice of pronouns for a long time and said this choice reflects the reality of the diversity at the Beach. 


Fourth-year printmaking major Victoria Fitzsimons feels this option is a relief for students seeking recognition in the classroom and said it’s up to professors to respect the students’ pronouns. 


“Personally, I’m really glad to see an option like that,” Fitzsimons said. “It saves having a bit of an uncomfortable conversation with the professor after class, it feels like you’re going out of your way for something other students don’t consider an issue.” 


Conoley said she hopes students feel cared for and know that their gender identities are honored at CSULB. 


“We hope these tools will support inclusivity, reduce barriers and ultimately contribute to student success at CSULB,” said Meghan Griffith, enrollment services. 


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