
Education Week to present job fair and faculty lectures

Cal State Long Beach will host a weeklong series of events to showcase the College of Education’s programs and work opportunities.

According to Shireen Pavri, the dean of the department, Education Week is intended to serve many purposes including preparing students for educational careers, providing a platform to learn from,creating a discussion with experts in the field and showcasing research conducted by students and faculty within the university.

“Through information sharing and idea exchange, we will inspire students to seriously consider a career in education and how educators serve as leaders to impact change in the communities within which they work,” Pavri said in an email.


Monday and Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., there will be information booths set up by the education department’s advisers, staff and faculty in the central quad. Students can learn about programs and happenings within the department through stopping by and chatting with booth volunteers.

At 1 p.m. on Monday, interested students can meet with the dean and share ideas over some free pizza. The event is helped put together by Associated Students Inc. education co-senators Chloe Calder and Emely Lopez.

“I plan to inspire students to take on education leadership roles by sharing my own experiences and letting them know how they can be a part of making a change and empowering our future educators through support and resources,” Lopez said in an email.

At 5 p.m. at the University Student Union ballrooms, there will be a lecture tackling barriers to equity and closing education gaps led by Donna Ford, an educator at Vanderbilt University.


Events will include a continuation of the informational booth setup, a liberal studies mixer at 4:30 p.m. and two lectures led by department faculty.

The first will be a panel led by professor Lesley Farmer and looks to compare the methods of teaching between Chinese and United States educational practices. The presentation will begin at 3 p.m. until 4 p.m.

Professor Shametrice Davis and Student Development in Higher Education master’s students will host the second presentation in the Anatol Center at 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Audience members can expect to learn of media portrayals of African-Americans and how they promote more positive images of the ethnic group.

Professor Jessica Pandya said in an email she is most excited for the liberal studies alumni mixer event, the first of its kind for the department. She said she encourages members of the Liberal Studies Student Association to take leadership in department projects and network with others interested in teaching.

“It is a chance for local alums to come and meet and mingle with our current students, to build connections in both directions,” Pandya said.


A presentation for financing college education will take place at 2 p.m. in the Bob and Barbara Ellis Education building, room 17. Students can learn about opportunities to take advantage of at the university that is not limited to financial aid.

At 4:30 p.m. in the same room, professor Corinne Martinez will coordinate a program that looks at expanding Linked Learning approaches in California school districts.

The “COE-Chella” mixer featuring students, staff and faculty of the department will take place in the lawn area between the Ellis Education building and the Academic Senate buildings at 3 p.m.


University faculty, clinicians and advocates at the Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center will present an overview of the trauma and long-term effects that tragedies in schools have on campus members. The event will take place at 2 p.m. in the Academic Senate building, room 244.

At 6 p.m., there will be a networking event in Liberal Arts 4, room 120 with employers and a panel discussion on how students can market themselves.


The Career Development Center will host a four-hour educator’s job fair with over 90 employers participating. Students are encouraged to bring a resume as employers are ready to to interview and hire prospective workers that day.

More events are scheduled throughout the week. For more information, visit the Education Week tab under the CSULB’s College of Education website.

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