
ASI to create more study space

Each Associated Students, Inc. senator has been asked to reserve a room on campus to open for studying during the week of finals, beginning Dec. 15.

At the ASI Senate meeting on Wednesday, ASI Vice President Nayiri Baghdassarian assigned the senators three tasks to “raise awareness” of the ASI on campus. One was to create extra study space for students during finals.

“I would like to reserve rooms to facilitate students for finals studying,” said Baghdassarian. “This is a way, much like the 24-hour study center, to reach out to students and let us study with them.”

The ASI opened the 24-hour study center at the beginning of the fall 2014 semester, allowing students to, as the name suggests, study at any time of the day.

“I usually study at the library,” Laura Anderson, a senior English major, said. “But it’s super difficult to find seating there, and the hours don’t always work with my schedule.”

When asked about whether she’d utilize the study spaces that will be reserved by the ASI, Anderson answered saying she would utilize them if she couldn’t find space elsewhere.

“I like the idea,” Gregory Taft, a junior English major, said. “We [students] would be surrounding ourselves with students that would be studying similar items or who probably did in the past.”

ASI Senator for College of the Arts Hedy Lee’s concern was for the students of COTA who don’t regularly have exams, but have final projects instead.

“Well maybe it is something that could open up an area for students to meet to help with working on the projects” answered Baghdassarian. “I know students who can’t find study space on campus but want to because of the resources available to them.”

Baghdassarian stated that she sees these rooms as a good effort for the ASI to reach out to the students.

“[The senators] will be studying too,” said Baghdassarian. “It is a good time to tell the students about the ASI and see what they want.”

The ASI senators will collaborate with each other and report their reservations to Baghdassarian and the rest of the board after Dec 5.

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