The College of Liberal Arts (CLA) and University Interfaith Center created a program called Bounty Brown Boxes to assist students who may be going through the day hungry.
Students can go to the University Interfaith Center in Brotman Hall, Room 178 to sign in and choose some food items. Adele Langworthy, University Interfaith Center representative, said they also offer a “community time” from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
“We learned that some students were going throughout the day and skipping meals, that’s no way to study and learn,” Langworthy said.
According to Myriam Joseph, CLA secretary, Bounty Brown Boxes was created after she received an urgent message about students who were coming to class and organization meetings hungry.
The purpose of Bounty Brown Boxes is to facilitate the collection of food items and to provide these items to the students who need them, Langworthy said.
According to the CLA website, the University Interfaith Center has a microwave and refrigerator so people are asked not to donate items that require conventional cooking.
“There are boxes covered with brown paper and signs on it in various CLA department offices where people can make donations,” Joseph said.
According to the CLA website, the boxes are collected every other week and the items are brought to the Interfaith Center.
“We try to make it comfortable for the students to come, that’s why we have this time when other students are here and people are hanging out and doing homework and eating,” Langworthy said. “They sign their first name and take what they need.”
Langworthy said there are hundreds of names on the list of people who have come in to take food items.
“We have confidence that people who are in need will come to the Interfaith Center,” Joseph said. “And we don’t think people will take advantage of this service.”
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