
Origami festival comes to CSULB

More than 40 origami experts from local and national clubs will teach how to construct animals, geometric forms and movable origami at Cal State Long Beach’s annual Origami Festival on July 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Yami Yamauchi and Michael Sanders will be among the expert instructors at the event, which will be held at the Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden. Yamauchi’s “Fireworks Model,” is a model that changes shape as it is turned from the inside out.

Instructors will teach three to five guests at small tables in order to provide a hands-on environment.

According to Alison Redfoot, assistant director of education at the Japanese Garden, people of all ages and backgrounds can learn origami. She said it allows for communication without language.

She also pointed out that it is a very affordable art form, and can be done just about anywhere.

“I think that origami is the most fabulous pasttime hobby,” Redfoot said. “All you need to do it is a piece of paper. It becomes this amazing piece of art.”

The festival grew from a small event that began more than 15 years ago. It had only two presenters and hosted about 25 people. This year, promoters are expecting up to 1,000 people.

Admission includes all of the paper needed and costs $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, $5 for children, $5 for Japanese Garden members and $3 for members’ children who are ages 12 and under.

Senbei, Japanese crackers and tea will be served. Guests are urged to eat before they come.

Free parking will be available in Lot 16, across from the garden.

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