
CSULB student designers to show fashions

More than 150 garments designed, constructed and modeled by students of Cal State Long Beach will be featured at the 23rd annual Campus Couture Fashion Show on Friday in the Carpenter Performing Arts Center.

The annual fashion show will showcase the designs of 42 textile and clothing majors in the Fashion Merchandising and Design department. These designs include individual garments produced by selected sophomore and junior designers, along with senior designer collections that will include six to eight full garments.

“This year’s fashion show will be the biggest and most professional yet,” said Madeleine Roell, lead coordinator. “We take great pride in this event and work hard to put our best foot forward as a department.”

Every year, a panel of influential fashion industry professionals judges the students’ designs. Among this year’s panel will be Jason Peskin, founder and CEO of Project Ethos; Ainsley Cohen, of Showroom 907; Diana Ramos, public relations director for Bloomingdale’s; and Kyle Shafer, a member of the design team for Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen’s contemporary clothing line Elizabeth and James.

The judges will award designers with garments they believe to be the most innovative, most marketable and best in show. They will also present an award for the senior designer with the best collection.

“This is our last opportunity to do what we want and display what defines us before we go out in the industry,” said Heather Hards, a graduating senior who is presenting her collection in the show. “I’m really happy with how everything turned out and think it’s a great conclusion to what I have learned during my time in the fashion design program.”

The Campus Couture fashion show is a full student-run production. It is put on by a group of elected coordinators and students in the Fashion Promotion and Sales course, with the help of faculty adviser Suzanne Marshall, director of CSULB’s Fashion Merchandising and Design Program.

“The show is seen as the largest student-ran production on campus,” said Cassie Trunco, president of Students in Fashion.

According to Christina Sandler, Campus Couture public relations coordinator, funding for the event is acquired through fundraising, including yard sales, silent auctions, car washes and styling events held throughout the school year.

“All of the coordinators are feeling an overall sense of excitement,” Sandler said. “We cannot wait to see all of our hard work portrayed on the stage in what we hope will be an excellent show.”

The show will begin at 7 p.m. and is expected to last about an hour. Tickets are on sale now for $20 and can be purchased in the FCS department office, Room 001 as well as at the Carpenter Performing Arts Center.

Sandler said, “We have very talented students this year and we feel very proud to have helped them share their vision.”

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